Thursday, October 31, 2019

The Greatest Failure of the Current Wave of Financial Globalisation Essay

The Greatest Failure of the Current Wave of Financial Globalisation - Essay Example Those countries that are able to integrate with the environmental changes will be experiencing more economic growth while others will be experiencing the economic recession. Globalisation has resulted from many years of human inventions and technological improvement. It pertains to the integration of economic activities all over the world through endless trading of products and services as well as the exchanging of cash flows. Sometimes, globalization relates to the constant movement of technology and business people including the skilled and unskilled workers. Even intangible thing such as knowledge and skills are also being transferred from one country to another. During globalization, the local and international markets are promoting efficiency because of the tight competition worldwide. Even the workforces have to become more competitive and flexible so they could keep up with their job. The global markets open a wider opportunity for these people to tap into larger markets all over the world. The global business cycle that we are dealing today is actually creating huge imbalances between UK’s cash inflow and outflows. As globalization contin uous, the global financial trend also changes. These changes will eventually be considered as one of the greatest failure of the current financial trend due to globalization. The effect of international trade on a country’s economy can be examined and measured by looking at the changes in the ratio of international trade, the total export plus the total imports to the output of GDP of an economy. According to Dollar and Kraay (2001), globalization reduces poverty.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Behaviour Management in the Classroom Essay Example for Free

Behaviour Management in the Classroom Essay Knowing how to anticipate and manage problems will ensure that students spend maximum time on task, and those students who are eager to learn are not disadvantaged by a few. I have found there are many different causes of disruptive and inappropriate behavior. These can include factors in and out of a teacher’s control. Factors outside the control of the teacher may include a student’s emotional and psychological factors. A student may have significant distressing issues in their home life such as bereavement or family breakdown for example. Students may also have had negative past experiences at a previous establishment or in the education system in general. Some students may behave inappropriately through boredom or finishing work to quickly, while others misbehave in an attempt to mask undiagnosed learning differences. Conversely, I have experienced students being disruptive in class due to having a special educational need, students with undedicated Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder for example. ‘Some teachers think a well-planned, interesting lesson will by itself prevent disruption. Or that if the teacher is entirely benign and respectful of students, conflict will simply melt away. This isn’t the case. ’ (Petty, 2006, pg3) The teacher themselves can sometimes be a cause of negative behaviour. Some students may act up through boredom as a result of a teacher being unprepared, demotivated or simply not giving enough consideration to lesson design. Bad classroom management can also be a factor, for example, allowing students to play with mobile phones or simply poor seating arrangements, which allow disruptive students to sit together. Review organisational policies relevant to managing behaviour in the learning environment identifying any areas for improvement | Every teaching establishment will have a number of different organizational policies relating to managing behaviour. Appendix A lists the specific policies I have to adhere to in my organisation. The policies are very diverse ranging from a staff code of conduct with pupils, to policies rela ting to effective teaching and learning. The specialist nature of my establishment means there are many policies linked to the welfare and safeguarding of students, including a number of anti-bullying policies (including anti-cyber bullying) to procedures relating to pastoral care. In my opinion, the behavior management policy in my establishment could be improved. There is no consistent approach to managing behavior throughout the organization. It is left to individual teaching staff to use their discretion as to what constitutes disruptive behavior and how to deal with it accordingly. Although the senior managers are usually supportive of teaching staff, It would be beneficial to staff and students for there to be a set procedure we could all follow. |Review ways of encouraging behaviours that contribute to an effective learning environment | |Use strategies for encouraging behaviours that contribute to an effective learning environment | ‘†¦classrooms become much more orderly when rules are stated, or better still negotiated, discussed and fully justified. It seems the little lighters need persuading of the obvious! ’ (Petty, 2006, pg3) There are many strategies to help a teacher limit disruptive behavior during lessons. I find an effective tool for managing behaviour is to set firm ground rules at the beginning of the course. These include clear boundaries, and expectations. If this can be done in consultation with the students it can be extremely effective, as it gives them the responsibility of managing each other’s behavior. It is use ful to note however, that set sanctions must also be clearly defined and followed as a consequence for breaking the rules for this technique to be effective. The use of reward is a good method of encouraging positive behavior, the use of praise, certificates and house points for example. ‘What we can’t do however is ignore disruptive behaviour. If we do, it won’t go away! ’ (LSDA, 2007, pg8) It is important for a teacher to challenge disruptive behaviour immediately and consistently. I feel by trying to make lessons enjoyable and providing work that helps students to achieve minimizes disruptive behaviour. The use of good communication by the teacher can also be a useful tool. This includes the use of the voice, phrasing, eye contact and body language. For example, using an assertive tone when making a request or physically positioning yourself near disruptive students. ‘You should be alert, businesslike, firm and unapologetic. But you must avoid showing anger or frustration even when you feel it. ’ (Petty, 2006, pg19) I feel getting to know students individually and knowing what their interests and expectations are helps. I find by creating a working relationship where students feel valued and respected is key to minimizing inappropriate behavior. In my opinion, the greater amount of respect the pupil has for you, the less likely they will misbehave. I agree with Petty (2006) when he states: ‘prevention the best strategy’ It is also important should a student misbehave that it is dealt with swiftly with the teachers focus being placed on the student’s behaviour, rather than the individual themselves. |Review ways of managing behaviours that disrupt an effective learning environment | No matter how hard you work at perfecting your behaviour management techniques, you will encounter ‘the really challenging-class’ at some point in your career’ (TES,2010) If a situation arises where an individual’s behavior is persistently disruptive, further action may be required to ensure the other students maintain an effective learning environment. The use of graduated sanctions in schools and colleges is a widely recognised, and is a commonly used method of controlling individuals that have not responded to other behavior management strategies. Having the support of heads of departments and senior management teams is crucial for this method to work effectively. I have, on occasion had to follow behaviour management procedures at my organisation that use graduated sanctions. For example, referring disruptive individuals to my head of department. If that student then continues to affect the learning of others they get referred to a member of the senior management team (SMT). The last stage being the Head Master, who has the power to take more serious action if required, such as temporary and permanent exclusions. Summarise own strengths and development needs in relation to managing behaviours that disrupt the learning environment | In general, I feel that managing my student’s behavior is one of my strengths. It is something I have learned, and improved upon through the years in my current teaching position. I have learnt different strategies for minimizing disruptive behaviour through observing other staff in my depar tment, and openly discussing individual cases with other teaching staff. With regards to my personal development, I would like to attend some training to help me manage students with disruptive behavioural disorders, specifically, Oppositional Defiant Disorder. Although I currently teach two individuals diagnosed with this disorder, they can be extremely disruptive in a group environment, and I believe attending training specifically related to managing this type of psychiatric disorder would be extremely beneficial for the future. References Cope, R. G. (2006). How to plan for behaviour development and classroom management : maximising student engagement: Pearson Education.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Validity of Animacy as a Mnemonic Dimension

Validity of Animacy as a Mnemonic Dimension Lomasi Fogarty   Abstract The objective of this report was to agree or disagree with the theory that animacy is an important mnemonic dimension. It was hypothesised that this was the case and animacy helps people with recall. First year students of 1001PSY Introduction to Cognitive and Biological Psychology, participated in an experiment where they were to remember words that appeared on a PowerPoint. A distraction task was applied to control for maintenance rehearsal and recency effect. The results from the experiment showed that animate words were more correctly recalled than inanimate words. It can be concluded that the hypothesis was supported and animacy is a mnemonic device as it is an aid for memory. The Validity of Animacy as a Mnemonic Dimension The purpose of this report is to validate whether animacy is an important dimension in regards to memory and mnemonics. Memory is the process of which information is acquired and modified so that knowledge can be stored, retrieved and used (Foster Wilson, 2005). The memory process starts with encoding the information, followed by storage, and retrieval. Encoding involves the information getting into the memory, and forming a memory code. Storage is where the information is kept in the memory, and retrieval is the process of accessing the stored information at a later time. This occurs in between short-term memory (STM), and long-term memory (LTM). The serial position effect is the idea that the position in a list to be remembered, can have an effect on the correct recall. The usual pattern for this is that the first few items (primacy), and the last few items (recency), on the list, are better remembered than the stimuli located in the middle. The primacy effect has emerged due to the first few items being successfully transferred to stable, long-term memory, whereas the recency effect is a result of the stimuli functioning in short-term memory (Wiswede, Russeler, Munte, 2007). The term mnemonics is used to describe a variety of aids for memory that can result in an improvement in the retention and learning of information. The basic principles within this technique are recoding, meaningfulness, and organisation (Dickel, 1983). Animacy is acknowledged to be a foundational dimension for mnemonics, and plays a helpful role in regards to memory. Animacy is the concept best defined as living organisms. According to Nairne, VanArsdall, Pandeirada, Cogdill, and LeBreton (2013), for successful reproduction and survival of the human race, it is essential to distinguish between animate and inanimate things. Evolutionary psychologists would think it fit to suggest that selectively tuning and remembering animate things is an essential process done by the memory system as predators, as well potential mating partners, are animate beings and aid with the continuation of human existence. Little attention has been brought to mnemonic dimensions when studying memory. As Nairne et al. (2013) state, â€Å"the focus tends to be exclusively on the ‘how’ of remembering†. The recognition of the origins of cognitive systems can create a basis for the discovery of empirical phenomena. It is theorised that animate words are more likely to be recalled than inanimate words, and therefore is an important dimension for memory. This report aims to support or disagree with the idea that animacy is a mnemonic dimension. It was hypothesised that more of the animate words in this experiment were correctly recalled than the inanimate words. Method Participants In the 1001PSY Introduction to Cognitive and Biological Psychology tutorials, 386 (279 female) first year undergraduate psychology students at Griffith University participated in this experiment (Age Range= 16-55 years old; Mage= 19.79, SD= 5.39). Participation was encouraged however there was no incentive. Design This experiment was a within-subject design as everyone was tested on animacy. In this experiment, the one independent variable was the words that were to be remembered. This variable had two levels, animate and inanimate. The only dependant variable was memory; how many words of each level of the independent variable could be remembered by each participant. The serial position effect was acknowledged and controlled but was not measured. Materials There were two types of stimuli presented in this experiment. The main experiment was presented on a white PowerPoint slide with 24 words (12 animate and 12 inanimate) and were on a slide each. 2 buffer words were also used at the beginning and the end of the slides but were not identifiable from the other words by the appearance. The words were in black, Calibri (Headings) in size 115 font in the middle of the slide. Every 5 seconds the slides would change and a new word would appear. The exact words used are presented in Table 2 (Appendix A). The participants were supplied with a scoring sheet to tick off what words they remembered (Refer to Appendix B). The second stimuli was the distractor experiment, which consisted of a similar presentation. 20 varying numbers (11 odd, 9 even), were presented on a PowerPoint with white slides. The numbers were on the middle of a slide each, in the same font but size 166. The numbers used in the distractor experiment are presented in Table 3 (Refer to Appendix C). The digits were presented on a slide each; one at a time for three seconds. Procedure The instructions were given by the experimenter, which in this case, is the tutor of the class. Once all the participants were all seated at a table, they were asked avoid any sort of implement to help record the words, and were asked to remember as many words that appeared as they could. The PowerPoint and the tutor notified the students when the words were going to appear. Once the last word was reached, the tutor as well as the PowerPoint notified the students that it was the end. The distraction task began after the last word appeared. This task had a designated time for 1 minute and began with a slide of the PowerPoint that included instructions that were also read out by the tutor. The participants were required to indicate whether the numbers changing on the board were odd or even on a supplied response sheet (Refer to Appendix D). Results for this task were then checked. At the end of this instruction, the response sheet for recalling the words was supplied. It was asked of the students to write down as many words of the first task as they could with a time allowance of 4 minutes. To check what words they remembered, they were given a scoring sheet in which they could tick off the words they correctly recalled. Once the 4 minutes were over, the students compared their recalled words with a scoring sheet (Refer to Appendix B). The number of correctly recalled ‘animate’ and ‘inanimate’ words, were added and the total for each was written down. Additional information like their age and ge nder was also collected. Only the scoring sheets for the word recalling task were handed up to the tutor. Results The amount of which each word was recalled is presented in Table 2 (Appendix A). The total number of words correctly recalled for both animate and inanimate categories are in Table 1. The raw data in both these tables shows that in this experiment, more of the animate words were remembered than the inanimate words. It was also noted in Table 1, that in regards to the serial position effect, the first 6 words, were more remembered than the last 6, and the last 6 were more remembered than the middle 12. This table also shows that the animate words were more remembered in each serial position class except the first 6, where the inanimate words were remembered 19.4 more times than the animate. The serial position effect is evident in Figure 1, where more words were correctly recalled in the first and last 6 for both animate and inanimate words. Table 1 Total No. of Words Recalled. Figure 1. No. of words recalled for each serial position class. Discussion This experiment has supported the theory that animacy is a mnemonic dimension as more animate words were more correctly recalled than inanimate words. In this study, the aim was to find whether animacy was a mnemonic in which it is easier to remember than inanimate words. The prediction that animate words are more remembered than inanimate words came from the evolutionary perspective where humans remember animate stimuli over inanimate stimuli because it was helpful for survival and reproduction. This experiment showed that animate words were more correctly recalled than inanimate words. The theoretical basis of this prediction was from work done by Nairne et al. (2013), in which they stated that animate words would be more easily recalled due to the fact that they helped humans survive and reproduce. Although buffer words were used to control the primacy and recency effect, the results still show that the first and last few words were more remembered than those that appeared in the middle of the list. Likewise with the distractor task, it was put into place to control maintenance rehearsal but the results still show that the last few words were more remembered than the words in the middle. This however may be explained with the last few words easily being stored in the short-term memory (Wiswede, et al. 2007). A methodological concern with this experiment could be that the tutors were different throughout the classes and may have altered the instructions, this could include longer time on a word. Along with this, another concern could be that the participants could have written down words that they didn’t actually remember. These could have compromised the eternal validity affect the end result in measuring animacy as a mnemonic device. From this information, further research can be done to find if there are differences in memory within social demographics and improve knowledge on mnemonics. References Dickel, M. J. (1983). Principles of encoding mnemonics. Perceptual and Motor Skills, 57(1), 111-118. doi: 10.2466/pms.1983.57.1.111 Foster, J. K., Wilson, A. C. (2005). A refined model of sleep and the time course of memory formation. Behavioural and Brain Sciences, 28(1), 71-72. doi: 10.1017/S0140525X05290027 Nairne, J. S., VanArsdall, J. E., Pandeirada, J. N. S., Cogdill, M., LeBreton, J. M. (2013). Adaptive memory: The mnemonic value of animacy. Psychological Science, 24(10), 2099-2105. doi: 10.1177/0956797613480803 Wiswede, D., Russeler, J., Munte, T. F. (2007). Serial position effects in free memory recall—An ERP-study. Biological Psychology, 75(2), 185-193. doi: doi:10.1016/j.biopsycho.2007.02.002 Appendix A Table 2 List of word type and presentation order Appendix B SCORING SHEET 1001PSY Mt Gravatt Memory of animate vs inanimate words experiment worksheet Scoring Sheet Age:_____________ Gender:____________ Appendix C Table 3 List of Numbers from Distraction Task Appendix D ODD EVEN RESPONSE SHEET 1001PSY Mt Gravatt 1001PSY MG Introduction to Cognitive and Biological Psychology Odd-Even Task Worksheet Please tick (à ¯Ã†â€™Ã‚ ¼) whether the displayed number is either odd of even

Friday, October 25, 2019

Dating Methods Essay -- essays papers

General Differances Between Relative and Absolute Dating Methods Getting dates for fossils that are found in sites being excavated by anthropologist is very important. Dates show the evolution from early hominid specimens to our own species, Homo homo sapiens. There are many methods that can be used to acquire these dates, but all of these methods fall into one of two catorgories. They can either give a absolute date or a relative date. An absolute date is one in which you get an actual date in years. Also known as chronometric methods. Relative dates do not give an actual date in terms of years, but they tell you if one fossil is older or younger than another fossil. Ushally relative dates are given in terms of the column of earth they are found in. This is called striatigraphy. In sites like Olduvai gorge their are geological layers of vocanic ash and sediment. When a anthropologist finds a fossil in a undistirbed layer of gray ash, you know that it is younger than the fossil in the layer of red ash below, and that fossil is younger than the fossil in the layer of brown ash below it.(Johanson 65) The basic theory here is that a certian site cantians a geolgical column key that is made up of differant strata layers, the fossils get older as they move down the key, and are found in differant layers of strata..(Scully 2) Relative dates have a couple of major problems. One is that the earth moves in many ways and this can distrube the layers of sediment putting younger fossils below older ones. Another is that you can not tell exactly how much younger or older something is from somethinng else and you can not date differant fossils from differant sites with thes relative dating methods. Absolute dating, unlike realative dating, gives the anthropologist an exact date in terms of calander years. These dating methods are much more reliable and can be used in many differant sites with many differant fossils. Absolute dating bases it’s dates on the natural radioactivity of differant elements found in the world.(Johnston 216) There are certian elements that occur in differant forms, these elements are called isotopes. Each one of these isotopes has a differant atomic mass than others. Some of thes isotopes are radioactive, meaning that they give of radiation in either alpha or beta form, as they de... ... has a half-life. C14 is the radioactive isotope of rearular carbon, c12. The cocentration of C14 in the body is one billionth of a gram in the body to one gram of C12. This C14 is contantly decaying, but through animals and plants breathing it is replenashed when an organism is alive. When the animal dies the C14 intake stops and a decay that is not replenashed.(Comas 456) During life an organism have a specific activity of 15.6 disintigrations per minuate per gram of regular carbon in thier body.(Comas 456) â€Å"After life and C14 intake cease and the equilibrium is halted, radioactive disintigration of C14 occurs, and after 5,700 years this activity will have decreased to 7.8 disintigratuions per minuate per gram of carbon in the body.’(Comas 457) This means that the ratio of C14 to C12 left in the fossil when it is found can give a date in years. Carbon-14 dating has a half-life of 5,700 years, with the lower limit of 1,000 years. The upper limit used to be about 30,000 years because after that the ratio was too small to analis. Recently reaserch by Haring and deVires has let scientist put the upper limit at 100,000 years old.(Comas 457)

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Current beliefs about how the first peoples Settled North America Essay

1. Explain current beliefs about how the first peoples settled North America, and discuss the ways in which they became differentiated from one another over time. 2. Describe the founding of European nations’ first colonies in the New World. The information in our text shows many different opinions on how North America was settled. An example would be the discovery of the Kennewick man. The discovery of the skeletal remains opened the door to more opinions of North American Settlement. It is still believed that the initial North American settlers are the Paleo-Indians (www., 2012). The Archaic era followed with the development of agriculture. This trend was perhaps the most significant development, because settled agriculture permitted the establishment of a sedentary existence, without the need to pursue herd animals (www. betheluniversityonline. net, 2012). A food source could now be provided from grown crops. The Archaic era was then followed by what is called the Pre-Columbian era. The Pre-Columbian era is when the development of societies began to happen. The societies developed because they were now able to provide the necessary food source by growing crops. The crops gave them the ability to remain in one area for a longer period of time. There are many reasons that caused the various tribes to become differentiated from each other. Language caused a lot of issues among the different tribes. Territorial disputes, competition for resources, and traditions caused most of the instability between the settlers (www. betheluniversityonline. net, 2012). The land was the major issue among the settlers because it affected trade. Reference: Schultz, K. , Hist2, Volume 1, History of the United States I, Bethel University Online https://www. betheluniversityonline. net/cps/SectionFramework. aspx? SectionID=254 When Europe voyage was intended to expand their trading options. Few sought to create lasting settlements, and even fewer sought to colonize these exotic lands (www. betheluniversityonline. net, 2012). Wealth was one of the biggest lures to the European’s. The competitive profits from this wealth led to them to colonization and would give them the power to defend what they had discovered. Portuguese would be followed by Spain and this would lead to the Pope’s intervention. He would draw a line from the North to the South dividing the land between the two. Spain would have claim to the West and Portugal would have claim to the East. Despite Portugal’s early ambition, Spain would be the first to establish colonies in North America (www. betheluniversityonline. net, 2012). This would lead the two to a war that ended in nearly annihilating the two because of death and disease. The Spanish colonization lead to the development armies called the conquistadors. The conquistadors would move in and devastate populations and take over the land. This would lead to the enslavement of the Indians. You would then have the French and English to follow this adventure to the New World. Four reasons for the English to become more interested were Religious reformation from Catholicism, Social because the impoverished Englishmen were seeking to escape poverty, Economically investing stopped in the textile market looking for opportunities in the New World, and Geographically Queen Elizabeth’s Monarchy stabilized the throne and allowed England to participate in New World ventures (www. betheluniversityonline. net, 2012). Reference: Schultz, K. , Hist2, Volume 1, History of the United States I, Bethel University Online https://www. betheluniversityonline. net/cps/SectionFramework. aspx? SectionID=254.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Internet Small Computer System Interface Essay

A heterogeneous network of both IP-based SAN’s and FCP-based SAN’s should be setup based on a standard naming convention in order to facilitate communication between the client applications and the SAN which stores information. The network architecture should ideally be setup using a naming convention which is simple and precise, whilst facilitating communication between all of the network resources. This technique is based on having a convention which links a variety of technologies together as well as other resources seen on a network. A heterogeneous network consists of various network nodes with various protocols and operating systems in operation together. In the case of a Storage Area Network (SAN), the various operating systems in use on the network need to be able to see the remote storage volumes as if they are locally attached, therefore speed is essential to the successful working of a SAN. The use of a descriptive naming convention is also important as it means problem identification can be made easier and helps to minimize operator errors on the network. There are a number of protocols in operation on every network, and the need for an efficient protocol for SAN use is paramount. The current options for running a SAN are to use standard TCP/IP protocols namely the Internet Small Computer System Interface (iSCSI) protocol, or to use a specific protocol called FCP which usually operates over bespoke fiber infrastructure. These protocols are different in the way they operate, however can in fact be used together to improve the performance of a SAN. A naming convention suitable for a TCP/IP based network is very different to a naming convention for an FCP based network. TCP/IP is a network protocol which is used for communication between resources on a standard LAN, however FCP is a protocol which sends SCSI commands via a fiber optic cable to remote storage devices. The iSCSI protocol allows various network storage resources to be identified and used over standard network protocols, which requires compliance with the standard network naming policy, yet which enables the specific nature of their operation to be identified. Naming conventions for the LAN and SCSI storage devices should comply with standard network naming conventions. The servers and iSCSI devices which operate on a network should be been named in compliance with a standard policy and should be unique on the switch fabric of the network. Standard SAN naming conventions should be created with a few factors in mind, each component should be named based on its physical location, what it connects to, which database it is used by, and another unique field of identification. Naming conventions are important because they can save administrators time and effort, and must be created whilst considering many factors. Initially there must be a system whereby network names are created centrally and uniquely so that duplicate records are not made. This naming approach must be consistent throughout the network, and it must be applied across the entire organization regardless of location or operation. This element of the naming convention helps to prevent the duplicity or confusion of network names and is required to enable a high performance network to operate. This issue is not so important when dealing with an FCP-based SAN, because the devices are connected by a separate network of fiber which cannot usually be accessed by resources on the standard network which do not use specific applications or databases. In conclusion the operation of a storage area network relies on speed and an efficient and effective naming system which is able to be managed, diagnosed and repaired where necessary in the simplest and most cost effective way possible. This must be done consistently when using the standard TCP/IP protocol, however specific FCP SAN protocol allows for a much simpler convention.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Nomination Process for Supreme Court Justices

Nomination Process for Supreme Court Justices The nomination process for Supreme Court justices begins with the departure of a sitting member of the high court, whether by retirement or death. It is then up to the president of the United States to nominate a replacement to the court, and the U.S. Senate to vet and confirm his choice.  The nomination process for Supreme Court justices is among the most important obligations on presidents and members of the Senate, in part because members of the court are appointed for life. They dont get second chances to make the right choice.   The U.S. Constitution gives the president and the Senate this vital role. Article II, Section 2, clause 2 states that the President â€Å"shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint ... Judges of the supreme Court.† Not all Presidents have the opportunity to name someone to the court. There are nine Justices, including the chief justice, and one is replaced only when he or she retires or dies. Forty-two presidents have made nominations to the Supreme Court. The president with the most nominations was George Washington, who had 13, with 10 of those being confirmed. The President’s Selection As the president considers who to nominate, investigations of possible nominees begin. The investigations include a probe into a person’s private background by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, as well as an examination of the person’s public record and writings. The list of possible nominees is narrowed, with the goal being to ensure that a nominee has nothing in his or her background that would prove embarrassing and to guarantee that the president selects someone likely to be confirmed. The president and his staff also study which nominees agree with the president’s own political views and which ones would make the president’s supporters happy. Often a president confers with Senate leaders and members of the Senate Judiciary Committee before selecting a nominee. This way the president receives a heads-up on any potential problems a nominee may face during confirmation. The names of possible nominees may be leaked to the press to gauge the support and opposition to different possible nominees. At some point, the president announces the selection, often with great fanfare and the nominee present. The nomination then is sent to the Senate. The Senate Judiciary Committee Since the end of the Civil War almost every Supreme Court nomination received by the Senate has been referred to the Senate Judiciary Committee. The committee does its own investigation. A nominee is asked to fill out a questionnaire that includes questions about his or her background and to fill out financial disclosure documents. The nominee also will make courtesy calls to various senators, including party leaders and members of the Judiciary Committee. At the same time, the American Bar Association’s Standing Committee on the Federal Judiciary begins evaluating the nominee based on his or her professional qualifications. Ultimately, the committee votes on whether a nominee is â€Å"well-qualified,† â€Å"qualified,† or â€Å"not qualified.† The Judiciary Committee then holds hearings during which the nominee and supporters and opponents testify. Since 1946 almost all hearings have been public, with most lasting more than four days. The president’s administration often trains a nominee before these hearings to ensure that the nominee does not embarrass himself or herself. Judiciary Committee members may ask nominees about their political views and backgrounds. Since these hearings receive a great deal of publicity, senators may attempt to score their own political points during the hearings Following the hearings, the Judiciary Committee meets and votes on a recommendation to the Senate. The nominee may receive a favorable recommendation, a negative recommendation or the nomination may be reported to the entire Senate with no recommendation. The Senate The Senate majority party controls the Senate agenda, so it is up to the majority leader to determine when a nomination is brought to the floor. There is no time limit on debate, so if a senator wants to conduct a filibuster to hold up a nomination indefinitely, he or she may do so. At some point, the minority leader and majority leader may reach a time agreement on how long a debate will last. If not, the nominee’s supporters in the Senate may attempt to end debate on the nomination. That vote requires 60 Senators to agree to end debate. Often there is no filibuster of a Supreme Court nomination. In those cases, a debate is held on the nomination and then a vote is taken by the Senate. A majority of voting senators must approve the presidents choice for the nominee to be confirmed. Once confirmed, a nominee is sworn into the position of justice of the Supreme Court. A justice actually takes two oaths: the constitutional oath that is taken by members of Congress and other federal officials, and a judicial oath. Key Takeaways: How a U.S. Supreme Court Justice is Nominated Step 1: A sitting justice retires or dies, leaving a vacancy on the bench.Step 2: The president nominates a candidate to replace the departing justice.Step 3: The nominee is vetted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation.Step 4: The Senate Judiciary Committee conducts its own investigation and hearings with the nominee. It will then take a vote on whether to send the nomination to the full Senate for confirmation. If the committee does not approve of the nominee, the candidate is dropped from consideration.Step 5: If the Senate Judiciary Committee approves, the full Senate votes on the nomination. If a majority of the 100-member Senate approves, the nominee ascends to the U.S. Supreme Court.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

What Are the Essential Skills to Be Possessed by a Manager Essay Example

What Are the Essential Skills to Be Possessed by a Manager Essay Example What Are the Essential Skills to Be Possessed by a Manager Essay What Are the Essential Skills to Be Possessed by a Manager Essay What are the essential skills to be possessed by a manager? A:- In order to perform your role as a good manager, you need to possess and exhibit a range of skills to plan, control, organize, lead and take decisions of an organization. In this article I am giving a brief idea of those unique set of skills needed for a professional manager. Planning skills It’s often needed to define the future of an organization. Managers must be able to ensure that his company does exist in the future. Hence his planning skills include ability to Forecast future environment Think ahead Plot organizational objectivesChoose strategies to attain these objectives Reach their performance standards When an organization increases its complexity, it needs its managers to acquire skills as needed to fit the present needs of the system. Organizing skills Organizing process follows the planning process. Its skills can be broadly spelled as the ability to Analyze and describe various tasks Select, train a nd appoint people Define roles, authority and controls Change these working links whenever necessary and make these changes flexible It depends upon the managerial skills to achieve the best you can, with the limited resources available.Leading skills A leader must be able to know the values, personality, attitudes and perceptions of his subordinates. Value is an opinion or belief a person holds about something while personality is a sum up of personal traits of an individual. It’s determined by our physical constitution, beliefs and values he holds. Perception is how a person interprets something from what he see, smell or feel while attitude is a person’s behaviour to a particular event, situation or person. Though we can’t observe it directly, we can observe its consequences.Attitudes can be learned and have three aspects – cognitive, affective and behaviourial. manageskills2 Controlling skills It consists of actions and decisions which managers undert ake to ensure that outputs obtained are consistent with desired ones. Any difference between the actual and planned results must be corrected by management by taking appropriate actions. So, a management has a pre-determined standard according to which outputs are needed to be checked. manageskills1 Decision making skills They are related to planning process and pervade all other modules of managerial skills.A manager’s skills and effectiveness lies in making appropriate and timely decisions most suited to that particular situation. Sometimes repetitive or routine problems are involved which are to be verified periodically. So, at the end of all the above managerial skills, you may be able to know the overall skills of a manager. Also, there are different levels of managers – first level managers, having the direct contact with the employees, middle level managers to whom the first level managers report, comparatively less in number than first level managers and top le vel managers who are the overall decision makers of the company.Managerial skills at various levels These skills refer to the ability of managers at different managerial levels of the system hierarchy. Katz in 1974 categorized managerial skills into three types. Technical skill It’s the ability to work with resources in a particular area of expertise. For example, a lab assistant must know his subject well, to help the project students. An accountant should know everything about accounts and balance sheet and a surgeon should be well expert in surgery.In a small manufacturing organization, top boss should have a clear idea of technology skills. Very often, training programs can help employees to expertise in technical skills. Human skill It deals with the ability of a manager to work effectively among his group of members, interact well and take suitable decisions to lead them from front. Communication skill of a manager is very important. Also, to provide a better working at mosphere for his subordinates, a manager is needed to possess certain human skills and it can be developed without any formal training. Conceptual skillIt’s the ability to see organization as a whole and recognizing relationships or links of different modules within the system. Also, it identifies the impact of changes of one module affecting other modules, it may be one or two or a group. As a manager you need to view situations and determine the inter-related factors. Also, his ability to co-ordinate and integrate a variety of factors is very important. Top management skills No doubt, top management has to run the organization as a whole and hence they need some special, distinct management skills to control the whole organization.Most important of them include Building a strong and efficient team of people at the middle management level and should encourage his subordinates to learn some of his management skills as well. Need to monitor and review the functioning of an org anization at different time intervals and check if the outputs are matching the already set targets. Keep in touch and share ideas with planners, policy makers and intellectual and skilled people of the organization. To find competent human resources to fit their organization and encourage and appreciate them in the form of rewards if needed.Develop a distinct and special skill to make you different from others and prompt others to follow you. You can even guide your subordinates by sharing your experiences and piece of knowledge. Thus skills of a manager is essentially two ways – functional, which involves planning, organizing, leading, controlling and decision making and skills of managers involving technical, human and conceptual. Through this article, I have given a brief description of managerial skills needed for an organization.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

A Stranger Looking in my House Would Probably Think...

A stranger looking in my house would probably think my life is society’s definition of normalcy: a father, a mother, a daughter, and a son, all living in one house. We eat from the same refrigerator, use the same den to watch television, and swim in the same pool. One big happy family, right? Wrong! Behind closed doors, chaos emerges. Unless you were my friend, or a resident of my town, you probably wouldn’t realize that my parents are in the midst of a hectic and painful process: signing divorce papers. My father resides in a guest room downstairs. My parents take turns with days they choose to look after my brother and me. After all, being in the same room together is not always the most pleasant experience. One could even say that what split my parents apart is the fact that they are complete opposites. Although 50% of marriages end in divorce, in my small town, divorce isn’t that common an occurrence. My mom, being the social butterfly that she is, has made it known, publicly, that she and my father have become separated. One might assume that I might be bothered by this part of my life being out in the open; surprisingly, I’m really not. The truth is, I was never â€Å"Daddy’s Little Girl,† making divorce a not-so-hard pill to swallow. Having been brought up in Russia, my father has a completely different mindset from my mom, as well as me. He is shy, stubborn, and maintains completely opposing political views. These days, my dad and I could go on for hours arguing about President Bush’s actions, and it would be considered normal. If you went back a year or two, the situation with my father would be extremely different. I was always somewhat fearful of him; I would never challenge his opinions, and if he and my mom fought, I would sit in silence. The man who was supposed to be the most positive influence on my life made me think that men were pigs, a nd were allowed to treat women like dirt. Ever since my parents began their split, almost a year ago, I have continued to learn that women should not only be treated with respect, but should demand respect as well as demand to have their own opinions heard. My father’s opinion is not the only one which matters in the divorce court, and he has no right to expect more respect than my mom. Yes, I sound harsh, but I, like my mother, deserve and demand respect. Today, when in a situation with my father, I am able to voice my opinion, because it matters. Sometimes, I actually want to thank him thank him for making me a wiser person, and for making me appreciate my own opinion.

Friday, October 18, 2019

Visual Analysis Survey of Western Art II Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Visual Analysis Survey of Western Art II - Essay Example The piece of art, Madonna and child are now part of the collection of the Lowe art museum in the University of Miami. Madonna and child is a painting done on a piece of wood thus commonly referred to as tempera on wood. It is believed to have been done toward the 16th century and is approximately 80x60 centimeters. Madonna and the child had been neglected for a few centuries but once discovered it became very expensive. It suddenly rose to twenty two million pounds as per the national scientific department. Lately it is the property of Lowe in the University of Miami after being given off as a gift. Before the 16th century, Italy comprised of many states which spoke different languages, thus a need to stand out was paramount. The Italians soon led the way by speaking about their culture through works of art like paintings. This is how Lorenzo di Credi and other painters and sculptors like Da Vinci, Donatello, Verrocchio, Filipo Bruschnelli and others got famous. The painting Madonna and child talked about Italy’s love and curiosity of religious issues and how they felt about it. It showed that culturally, Italians are a religious nation. The cultural aspect was seen in the technique that most Italian works of art appeared in. for example, Madonna and child was on tempera of wood while other works by other Italian artists were made of oil on wood and such stuff. This article is going to thoroughly survey the piece of art Madonna and child. This it is going to look into from the paintings composition to its characteristics and comparison to other works of art. The composition of the painting of Madonna and child by Lorenzo was due to Italy’s religious passion. During this era Catholicism was widely spread in Italy and its roots were firmly instilled in the people who used sculptures and paintings to bring Christianity and especially Catholicism to reality. Therefore the theme that led to Madonna and child

The integumentary Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

The integumentary - Research Paper Example She is also forgetting to wash her hands after toileting. Her skin has become very dry, pale and thin, tearing easily even when she simply scratches an itch. Q 1. Identify a specific cell from the integumentary system (1 cell only for each), involved in a) protection – SQUAMOUS CELL of the skin appears thin and flat; this is very important in protecting the entire body against damage brought about by cuts, bumps, spills of acids and bases, and damage due to ultraviolet radiation (Marieb, 2008). b) sensation – CUTANEOUS SENSORY RECEPTOR is another cell which can appear as specialized neurons, dendritic nerve endings, or specialized epithelial cell connected with sensory nerve endings; this is particularly responsible for the sensation of skin (Seeley, 2008). c) secretion – CUBOIDAL CELLS of sebaceous gland exit as single layer with polygon-shaped cells; it appears square-like in structure with a central round nucleus found in most glands of the human body (Tortora & Derrickson, 2007). Describe how each of these cells is designed for the function it carries out. Squamous cells are designed to be flat and thin to easily cover the outer part of the skin and facilitate the process of diffusion of substances effectively and more rapidly, in or out of the cells. Cutaneous skin receptors on the other hand, appear elongated, mesh-like and inter-networking with one another; this type of design is intended for fast conduct and transmission of impulses or electrical conductivity. Lastly, the cuboidal cells have box-like feature which is designed to permit fluid-holding capacity; allowing cells to secrete substances.. Q2. How does skin structure and function change with age and lifestyle factors? Make reference to the case study and the cells and functions you have discussed in Question 1. Skin, the largest organ and the most visible in the body, also undergoes aging process that shows multiple clinical manifestations and concerns. Organ aging and failu re, become evident if and when the skin is affected. Skin deterioration is the outward evidence of faltering physiology. Although in the healthy aged population, expected changes occur, and sometimes lead to problems. Most of the skin changes that are linked with aging are caused by intrinsic aging rather than lifestyle factor or photo damage (Shekar, Luciano, Duffy and Martin, 2005; p. 125-1119).Cellular damage due to intrinsic factors are not fully understood, however, the stress of free radicals derived from reactive oxygen species that resulted from oxidative metabolism may lead to mutation of DNA, oxidation of proteins due to oxidation of membrane lipids, reduced function, and resulting in the abnormal trans-membrane impulse transmission and reduced transport efficiency. The moment repair is incomplete, damage over time can result to to abnormal structure and function.(Tortora & Derrickson, 2007). The ultraviolet exposure will also speed up chronological skin changes, and as ag e increase the impact of photo aging heightens (Seeley, 2008). Q3. Florence has expressed discomfort with hot weather. Explain how her skin changes may be contributing to this? Normally, occupation, lifestyle, and health associated decisions frequently determine the appearance of skin. Smoking, weight loss, lack of exercise, inadequate nutrition, stress and lack of sleep, exposure to cold weather, are common contributors to unhealthy skin. For elderly people, there are major changes in the structures

Managerial Economics Week 6 Individual Work 1 Assignment

Managerial Economics Week 6 Individual Work 1 - Assignment Example However, the decision may be affecting passengers and the public. The policy of increasing charges luggage fees can increase revenues for airlines. U.S. airlines collected more than a billion dollars in baggage fees for overweight bags, or extra bags in 2008. The revenue was an increase of 148 percent from the previous year. From a managerial perspective, the decision by U.S airways to charge $25 luggage fees for first checked bags was the best decision for the airline. Fluctuating oil prices are a major constraint and limiting resources that affect decisions of most managers. Given the high operation costs for maintaining an airline firm in the market decision such as developing luggage fees may become beneficial to the airline. Managers in US airline decided to charge luggage fees as one of the best alternative to solve the problem of increased costs of oil and operational costs for the air travel. Airlines are companies meaning they need to make decisions that boost their revenues. Increases in revenues enable airlines to remain competitive in the industry. The increase in oil prices is an evident phenomenon all over the world. The world economy is also unstable. Volatility in oil prices and world economic downturn are some of the biggest challenges the airline industry has to face today. Increased o il prices and security costs are major reasons explaining operational losses for many passenger airline companies. It is because of such costs that airline companies such as US airway decide to implement revenue generating fees for services that traditionally were part of the air ticket prices. The fact that charging luggage fees in enraging passengers a lot raises many questions, for example, should the U.S. airway and other airline firms continue charging luggage fees or should they include the fees in the ticket price? While most passengers accepted

Thursday, October 17, 2019

The Threat Facing Humans And The Earth In General Essay

The Threat Facing Humans And The Earth In General - Essay Example Unfortunately, the sources of the four gases remained a mystery to scientists. The ozone layer is the protective layer lying between 15 and 30 kilometers above the Earths surface. The ozone layer shields the earth from ultraviolet rays, which cause cancers in humans and reproductive problems in animals. Extensive studies concluded that about 74,000 tonnes of these gases had been ejected and that the release of two of them was mounting rapidly, which poses a serious threat of ozone depletion. Due to the alarming nature of the impacts, investigating the source of the gases is important, as they are likely to pose a major threat in the future. The situation calls for more vigilance in checking the production and the release of these gases, where the possible solutions include agricultural insecticides. Different studies have highlighted the increasing destruction of the ozone layer but emphasized that, apart from the destruction caused by the ozone-destroying chemicals released into the atmosphere, weather changes played an important role in ozone depletion. This conclusion was made after the discovery that the ozone hole formed above the Antarctica changed in size year after year. Susan Strahan of NASA's Goddard space center gave the information and emphasized that their investigations would check whether the hole was reduced in size. However, she reported that an accurate evaluation of the reducing ozone depletion called for the measurement of the different factors that cause changes in the size of the ozone hole.

Organization development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Organization development - Essay Example In addition, it differs from other change programs because it emphasizes on process instead of problems. It focuses on identifying behavioral patterns and interactions that cause and sustain problems. Change often causes strong feelings of unease when people sense that they have victims to external forces and lost power over their working lives. Leaders should win over other employees to avoid rebelling the change. These major forces are significant in helping a leader to identify necessary course of action to deal with the mixed reactions. They help leaders to turn the opposing forces to their advantage rather than meeting them head on. Purpose is the most important because once it is communicated; people remain steadfast about the change despite the inevitable difficulties. However, success is the least important because it takes time to nurture success and the people can still resist change. In my opinion, the preferable mode for an effective OD program is consensus mode. it creates a climate here feelings are honestly and truly shared the OD program. Decisions are often made through continuous sharing of feelings and perceptions openly on organizational effectiveness and self fulfillment. To some degree, all key partners are involved in the OD program thus ensuring effectiveness and support of the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Managerial Economics Week 6 Individual Work 1 Assignment

Managerial Economics Week 6 Individual Work 1 - Assignment Example However, the decision may be affecting passengers and the public. The policy of increasing charges luggage fees can increase revenues for airlines. U.S. airlines collected more than a billion dollars in baggage fees for overweight bags, or extra bags in 2008. The revenue was an increase of 148 percent from the previous year. From a managerial perspective, the decision by U.S airways to charge $25 luggage fees for first checked bags was the best decision for the airline. Fluctuating oil prices are a major constraint and limiting resources that affect decisions of most managers. Given the high operation costs for maintaining an airline firm in the market decision such as developing luggage fees may become beneficial to the airline. Managers in US airline decided to charge luggage fees as one of the best alternative to solve the problem of increased costs of oil and operational costs for the air travel. Airlines are companies meaning they need to make decisions that boost their revenues. Increases in revenues enable airlines to remain competitive in the industry. The increase in oil prices is an evident phenomenon all over the world. The world economy is also unstable. Volatility in oil prices and world economic downturn are some of the biggest challenges the airline industry has to face today. Increased o il prices and security costs are major reasons explaining operational losses for many passenger airline companies. It is because of such costs that airline companies such as US airway decide to implement revenue generating fees for services that traditionally were part of the air ticket prices. The fact that charging luggage fees in enraging passengers a lot raises many questions, for example, should the U.S. airway and other airline firms continue charging luggage fees or should they include the fees in the ticket price? While most passengers accepted

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Organization development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Organization development - Essay Example In addition, it differs from other change programs because it emphasizes on process instead of problems. It focuses on identifying behavioral patterns and interactions that cause and sustain problems. Change often causes strong feelings of unease when people sense that they have victims to external forces and lost power over their working lives. Leaders should win over other employees to avoid rebelling the change. These major forces are significant in helping a leader to identify necessary course of action to deal with the mixed reactions. They help leaders to turn the opposing forces to their advantage rather than meeting them head on. Purpose is the most important because once it is communicated; people remain steadfast about the change despite the inevitable difficulties. However, success is the least important because it takes time to nurture success and the people can still resist change. In my opinion, the preferable mode for an effective OD program is consensus mode. it creates a climate here feelings are honestly and truly shared the OD program. Decisions are often made through continuous sharing of feelings and perceptions openly on organizational effectiveness and self fulfillment. To some degree, all key partners are involved in the OD program thus ensuring effectiveness and support of the

Ethical Behavior in Business Essay Example for Free

Ethical Behavior in Business Essay In the business world employers and business owners should know that there is no room to be dishonest, or greedy dealing with a business. In reality people need to be held responsible and accountable for making sure that they are holding up and following ethical business practices. There is no reason that any business owner or manager should not follow the golden rule at work just like they would at home, treat people the way you want to be treated should work at all times. Thinking about the old saying â€Å"Ignorance is no excuse† would apply in business as well as in our personal life. (Mautner, 2005) It is best to study the business culture of all businesses all over the world, when dealing with International business, all avenues should be addressed before conducting business in different locations. There could be all kinds of bad business practices lawsuits if someone was to go to another country and did not understand the culture of that country. For instance in Mexico they believe that having a siesta during midday production that will help increase their production. Siesta time is usually from 12pm – 2pm and it’s the time to eat or sleep. In the United States most employers give their employees one hour for lunch, it would cause someone to lose their job if they told their supervisor that they was taking a siesta for 2 hours. That is why it is very important to study the culture and all the business practices of all countries so that companies would not be involved in bad or corrupt business transactions. Just because something is legal in the U.S. does not mean that it would be legal in another country. Most places follow different ethic rules and regulations based on their morals. When showing concern for good behavior that is the best way to describe ethics, showing consideration and making sure others are treated the same and equal are the best way to have good business ethics. It’s very much the same as the way we treat our family and friends on a day to day basis, whatever people do in life has consequences because of how we act or not act is another way to describe business ethics, mainly by following the regulations and rules that are expected to be followed by laws and other authority. Knowing that if your business earned only $10,000 for the week and you have earned only $7,000 from sales that week and your payroll office process (checks to the employees and companies that distribute products on a weekly basis) and knowing that all the checks will not clear because there is not enough money to pay all the expenses, this would be unethical and not good for the business. To have good business ethics would be shown by the views of other businesses that do take their business serious and follow the rules of good business ethics. Its best to work with people that have great business goals and taking care of the needs and necessities of the business versus working with someone that really do not care about goals only about how much money they can earn. When a business has good ethical behavior is will show because it would be positive and appropriate. Morally anyone would rather go to a clothing store that is neat and clean and the clothes are matching in colors and styles and accessories are available. As a woman I would not feel comfortable shopping in a store that was messy and not clean and everything look like it had been on the floor and not on hangers, the appearance would be unethical and I would not shop where I felt the morals were low or that the owners seem to not care or have any business ethics. The way you can tell if a business is running under good ethical business tactics would be by the employees work and the overall concept of the organizational actions. A business that does not have good ethics can be spotted right away, if the managers are lazy and don’t have any care about helping their clients or customers and the other employees act the same way, the sales will not be great because of all the negativity. When you see employees that are happy, and enjoy their jobs and all the perks and benefits they will take care of their clients or customers. Each job should make sure that all their employees, including supervisors, managers and everyone Keep high work ethics standards 100% of the time, this helps the business or organization moving in a positive direction. By keeping employees involved with the organization such as conducting training and keeping courses available to improve their performance by communication the mission, and the objectives and actions as an employee there this most definitely would keep the encouragement of positive ethical behaviors to help all benefits for the employees and the organization as well as clients or customers. It’s sad that all business and organization do not have good business ethics and that is why they have a revolving door as far as keeping good employees. Business ethics have been shown through study of all human conduct, as far as emphasis on being right or wrong, this shows that they follows the rules dealing with principles and standards by the way they handle business ethics. The principles and standards that shows marketing conduct that is acceptable is called marketing ethics and its determined by the organization different owners and stakeholders that relate to all the marketing activity. The three main principles that help a business earn trust and have long marketing relationships are the following: * Advertising * Sales * Distribution For instance Fox News Channel always seem to talk negative about democrats, or anyone that is associated with the democratic party. â€Å"I challenge anybody to show me an example of bias in Fox News Channel.† (Rupert Murdoch (Salon, 3/1/01) Ethical behavior and code of ethics requires people to act appropriate and follow the law of the land, which shows exactly what the business ethics are on a day to day basis. â€Å"Business ethics and the codes that formally define it always include elements that go beyond strict legality; they demand adherence to a higher standard† ( People know that we are not supposed to steal or lie to employers on their job, but they continue to do so with no regrets until they are caught. In 2002, legislation passed the (SOX) Sarbanes-Oxley Act which requires all corporation to publish their code of ethics to ensure that people who trade in stock, must publish their code of ethics with any changes to the codes when they are updated, most small businesses are not required to publish their code of ethics, only because they do not have an option with public trade. I feel that organizations should always show and perform with positive ethical conduct all the time, this shows that their business practices are consistently and appropriate for their business ethics. Whenever you see a business that is not doing well the first thing you should look at would be how ethically sound is that business, from the start of dealing with the business, if you notice the business that do not have good morale or work ethics instilled. You will find that this business do not keep employees long because the positive employees with good ethics will leave and find a company that has the needs and business ethics they are looking for as far as a good work environment. In my opinion a business that does not operate with ethics will not function right and when you earn money that has not been earned in an honest way it will not last long because people do reap what they sow, if you plant negative a crooked seeds that is what you will grow in the long run. The best policy would be for a company to have good business ethics and integrity, without these Two main factors for any business they will surely have problems with their business running without issues. The definition lists ethical as â€Å"pertaining to or dealing with morals, or the principles of morality; pertaining to right and wrong in conduct†¦being in accordance with the rules and standards, for right conduct or practice, especially the standards of a profession.†

Monday, October 14, 2019

How Horror Movies Have Changed Film Studies Essay

How Horror Movies Have Changed Film Studies Essay Horror as a whole has been around for many years. Writers have unfolded tales of fear and fright in novels. Directors bring terror to life on the big screen. People have enjoyed being scared time and time again. But why do they like this? How has Horror become such a successful genre? Chilling stories were the humble beginnings of horror. In ancient times, the Greeks shared tales of hideous beasts with three heads, or powerful monsters that could turn a person to stone with a mere glance. Egyptian hieroglyphics told of a great beyond in which evil spirits, demons, and otherworldly beings dwelled. The Chinese worshiped and venerated their ghostly ancestors who would haunt them if they did otherwise. Every civilization had their share of myth and mystery, real or not. Horror novels originally come from a traditional Gothic writing style. The first mention of horror in literature comes from Horace Walpoles book The Castle of Otranto in 1764. Inspired by writers such as Ann Radcliffe and Matthew Gregory Lewis, Mary Shelley wrote the first rendition of Frankenstein in 1818. The nineteenth century in particular exploded with horrific literature writers, including Bram Stoker with the famous daunting tale of Dracula. Other well-known authors were Edgar Allen Poe, Wilkie Collins, and H. G. Wells. The first horror movies appeared on-screen in the 1920s. Credited as the first movie ever made, The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari was silent, dark and surreal, the specialty of the Grand Guignol Theater Company. The first monster movie, The Golem was released in 1920, which set the stage for the first vampire to appear on-screen in 1922. Though Nosferatu was the unauthorized German reproduction of Bram Stokers novel Dracula, it was nonetheless successful for the first film featuring these inhuman bloodsuckers. During the Depression of the thirties, people wanted something to keep them occupied and entertained. More people flocked to theaters and cinemas than ever before; 65% of the U.S. population saw films each week. Another reason for horrors sudden popularity was the invention of talkies, or movies with audio. Audiences now had soundtracks to keep them at the edge of their seats. Superb actors left guidelines for horror films for years to come. The thirties were one of the most successful eras in horror movie history. ((Karina Wilson, 2011)) The thirties were also explosions of the classic Universal monster movies. The franchise began with Dracula in 1931; although true to the original novel, the actor starring as Dracula never wore fangs! The same year, the original Frankenstein premiered. The next to appear was The Mummy in 1932. Finally in 1935 Werewolf of London came to the big screen; the actor, Henry Hull, also made alterations to his costume, using less fur and make-up that would otherwise cover his face entirely. The saga of these characters would continue until 1948, with Abbot and Costello Meet Frankenstein, which was the last nail in the coffin for the golden days of Universal monsters. ((Monsters in the Movies, 2011, pg. 1, 26, 27, 53, 54, 126)) In the forties, American citizens wanted anything to get their mind off of war. They wanted good, quality movies which the Horror genre was all too happy to make. Lon Chaney Jr. was now the man in the yak hair suit starring as his most famous role the Wolf Man. All of Americas fan favorites grouped together in numerous movies, such as House of Dracula and the many Abbot and Costello Humor Horrors. After the craze died down, zombies, gigantic apes and ghosts took their place. ((Karina Wilson, 2011)) Atomic mutations were the craze of the fifties. Radiation exposure, mutations and gigantic beasts could be seen in just about every movie created during this time. Titles such as Godzilla, Them, The Incredible Shrinking Man, and Attack of the Crab Monsters appeared in every drive-in and were huge hits. ((Monsters in the Movies, 2011, pg. 202-207)) Then came what is now called the worst film ever made. Plan 9 from Outer Space was a horrid mash-up of mutants, zombie slaves, and alien vampire overlords. Though this did not mar the fifties in horror history, it is still a prime example of how not to make a movie. ((Karina Wilson, 2011)) In 1959 Jack the Ripper began an era for serial killers and slasher horror. The most well-known horror film director Alfred Hitchcock makes a name for himself with his film Psycho during this time. Hundreds of directors have attempted to copy this brilliantly terrifying film, but none can match it. Also made by Hitchcock in 1963 was The Birds. During the same year, the first splatter film Blood Feast was released. This was the first of many to have seemingly endless gore for no apparent reason. All of these films have one thing in common: They were created on low budgets. This was common in most sixties films, but nearly all of them were huge hits. ((Monsters in the Movies, 2011, pg. 290, 293)) ((Karina Wilson, 2011)) Seventies horror had audiences with nightmares for weeks. From Piranha to The Legacy, there was almost no humor in these movies. The Exorcist in 1973 set a gold standard in Horror and was voted the scariest movie of all time in October of 1999. People are said to have passed out in audiences watching this film. Not only were there possessed demonic children, but cannibals as well. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre made in 1974 barely showed the audience any gore, but mixed with a chilling soundtrack and terrifying characters, the viewers imagination filled in the gaps. Psycho-killers were re-defined entirely because of the seventies. The eighties were as terrifying as the decade before, with chainsaws, cannibals, and even more deranged predators prowling the night. The horror franchise skyrocketed with Friday the 13th, having eleven sequels to this brutal splatter film. A Nightmare on Elm Street wasnt much better, as audiences feigned sleep entirely because Freddy might get them. However, as proven by popularity, people couldnt get enough of horror. ((Monsters in the Movies, 2011, pg. 226)) The beginning of the nineties was when horror directors truly saw how de-sensitized the common person was. Those horror films of the past merely made them laugh. They needed something new, something that hit closer to home. The serial killer is a big part of nineties horror, such as in Se7en and Silence of the Lambs. Also coming into play were space monsters, aliens bent on destroying or taking over and then destroying all mankind. Unlike the fifties, these aliens looked real, had real motives, and were genuinely scary. ((Monsters in the Movies, 2011, pg. 258, 259)) ((Karina Wilson, 2011)) In 2000, the sequel to Final Destination was produced, marking the beginning of a chain of movies that hit the modern American harder than Saw ever did. These were events although typically never to happen on a normal day that could in fact happen at any given time. (( )) Nowhere seemed like a safe place anymore, especially when viruses and zombie apocalypses were taken into account; 28 Days Later is a prime example of this. An on-going series that also goes along with this idea is The Walking Dead, first aired in 2010. ((Monsters in the Movies, 2011, pg. 227, 307)) Old horror films were scary in their time because the general public had never been exposed to movies that targeted fear before. They are not as impacting to us today because they were made to frighten audiences in that time period, who were not as de-sensitized as the modern human being. What a person was afraid of in the 1920s is certainly not the same as what we fear. ((Richard Sine, WebMD)) Newer horror movies are made for those who enjoy being scared. If a person intends to see the newest slasher film at a theater, theyve obviously been exposed to those elements before. Directors of these films assume that their audiences like the thrill of being terrified. A killing spree in a movie might seem harsh, but you may get little to no response from a seasoned audience. ((Richard Sine, WebMD)) Over the years the definition of horror may have been altered and re-defined, but as always the general public is satisfied. As long as there is fear, there is a director willing to put that fear into the next box office hit. Horror films have been cherished for years, and will continue on for decades to come. Who knows what the newest advertisement or feature presentation will bring? à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã†â€™ à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã†â€™

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Free Essays - A Grain of Wheat :: Grain of Wheat Essays

Throughout my life I have read many novels. This book was very interesting. This is a compelling account of the turbulence that inflamed Kenya in the 1950s and its impact on people's lives. A brand new perspective upon the emancipation of so-called Third World Country .On the verge of Kenya independence, both colonizers and colonized were bewildered and confused. White colonial agents lost faith on their lifelong commitment, and Kenyans were cast into a precarious future, which they had been longed for, and at the same time, worried about. National passion became a nostalgia censorship and those who did not contribute to this "exploit" or those who chose to save his own skin or family and betray his to the movement bore a brand "Cain" on their forehead forever. A vivid description of the struggle between nation and individual. Despite Ngugui's flashback format A Grain of Wheat is certainly an attention keeper. Kenya at the brink of Uhuru (freedom) from the British, as experienced th rough the eyes of some interesting and greatly entertaining characters. Amazingly in the midst of this historical event the story is filled with love and betrayal. This is a tragic situation, where there can be no winners. It does not have heroes, heroes do not exist in tragedies- rather it has real people with real feelings, who due to the nature of the system, and their beliefs brought about by years of conditioning must come face to face with brutal realities. The book painfully traces the genesis of the conflict, and as demonstrated with Mugo, everybody is affected, you cannot be a bystander, neither is the people necessarily evil, but rather is as a result of complex situations that comforts them. Though, we do not want to believe, its with the quilt admission by Mugo, that makes him great, and which inevitably starts a healing painful process that must be addressed. Jomo Kenyatta is played a very important role in the backdrop of the novel A Grain of Wheat Through his role in the history of Kenya, his role in the novel as some what compared to Moses and his influentially book Facing Mount Kenya. Jomo Kenyatta played a vital role in the demanding Kenyan self-government and independence from Great Britain. Together with other prominent African nationalist figures, such as Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Kenyatta helped organize the fifth Pan-African Congress in Great Britain in 1945.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Importance of Character in Le Colonel Chabert :: Le Colonel Chabert

The Importance of Character in Le Colonel Chabert      Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Le Colonel Chabert exhibits the relationship between strong and weak characters. The degree of strength within a character reflects how well the character survives in society. In society, weak characters often have no identity, profession or rank. Stronger characters have power to succeed from inner confidence, motivation and ambition. Any drastic changes brought to the body or soul by the environment corrupts that person's strength thereby affecting their ability to function properly in society. This comparison of characters gives an understanding of Balzac's pessimistic view of nineteenth century society. A character's strength and energy in the novel determines their survival in society. Colonel Chabert has been known to be a courageous hero in the past, "... je commandais un r‚giment de cavalerie †¦ Eylau. J'ai ‚t‚ beaucoup dans le succÃ…  es de la c‚lÃ…  bre charge..." Once he returns to Paris after his injury, he loses his identity and becomes the " weak character " of society. This is a rapid decline down the "ladder of success" and Chabert tries desperately to climb back up to the top, where he had been before. At the beginning of the novel, there is a vision of a slow non-energetic man walking progressively up the stairs to lawyer Derville's study which contrasts the boisterous energy of the clerks. Chabert reaches Derville's study and is determined to find the lawyer to help him find justice for his infortunes, "... me suis-je d‚termin‚ †¦ venir vous trouver. Je vous parlerai de mes malhers plus tard." Chabert demonstrates some energy left in him by his will to retrieve everything that he lost. This energy to gain back his power changes to furious and revengeful energy upon learning what his wife had done, "Les yeux de l'homme ‚nergique brillaient rallum‚s aux feux du d‚sir et de la vengeance." After a period of time, Chabert loses hope and bids farewell forever. He gives up his identity to become an unknown person as he realizes that his strength of character is not enough to keep him alive in this society. He sees himself weakening when seeing his wife and her children as he does not have the heart to break up her family. He tells his wife, "Je ne r‚clamerai jamais le nom que j'ai peut-ˆtre illustr‚. Je ne suis plus qu'un pauvre diable nomm‚ Hyancinthe.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Heald College Dress Code Essay

Heald College in Fresno, California has rules that change and get stricter every quarter. Dress code is one of those rules that are constantly changing at the Fresno’s campuses. Students are required to dress professional Monday through Thursday, and Friday through Saturday is allowed to wear a Heald t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. Before the rules were changed, students were allowed to wear a Heald t-shirt on Thursday’s also. It would be nice to get that Thursday back, instead of it changing due to the rates of dress code being higher on that day than any other days. Students should be allowed to wear a Heald t-shirt on Thursday again because we need a day where we could dress comfortable, it’s not fair to students who go to school form Mondays through Thursdays can’t have a Heald spirit day, and it’s not fair to keep changing rules and punishing those who follow the dress code. Heald College requires us to wear professional attire because it is to make us more prepared for our career we are trying to pursue. I know at a job were not required to wear sweats or unnecessary clothing but we’re at school and it is one place we want to dress comfortably at. I always used to look forward to Thursdays because I knew it was t-shirt day. Students need at least one little break from dressing in tight slacks, shirts that are tight around our neck, and shoes that hurt our feet! One comfortable day at Heald is what students need especially if we have a long week of learning. Most students at Heald are attending school only from Mondays through Thursdays. The rules for dress code states students are allowed to wear Heald Spirit only on Fridays and Saturdays. It is not fair that students who go to school from Monday to Thursday for 10 weeks don’t get a day to wear a Heald t-shirt to school. Before the rules changed many students liked the idea that Thursday was a day that they can relax and just wear casual clothes and shoes that they feel more comfortable in. To students who have been here before the rules have changed were very unhappy that Thursday’s spirit day was taken away from them. I asked a Student named Jessica, who’s in her fourth Quarter, â€Å"If you could change the dress code what would you change? † She responded â€Å"The Heald Spirit Day on Thursdays should be allowed again. I just like the fact that it was not so hard to pick out an outfit for school on Thursdays. † It’s just not fair to students. Not all students are at campus Friday and Saturday. They should at least make Heald Spirit day on a Thursday where most of the students go to school and not days where most class rooms are empty. There are students at Heald who obey the rules well and there are students who don’t. The dress code at Heald changed at the end of January 2013 quarter. Students were sent emails stating the dress code violations were higher on Thursdays than any other days and there will be no more Heald spirit day on Thursdays. All the students were punished because other students who are supposed to be adults couldn’t follow a simple dress code for Thursdays. It is not fair to other students who obey the dress code to get punished for other student’s mistakes. Taking the Heald Spirit day on Thursdays is not all the students fault. Violations should be given to students who are out of dress code on Heald Spirit day, so they’re the ones who get in trouble not the whole campus. Were adults and those who obey the dress code for Heald Spirit should be treated like an adult and be allowed to wear the t-shirt spirit day attire on Thursdays again. All students shouldn’t be punished for simple rules adults can’t follow. Students want to get treated like adults not high school or elementary school kids. Heald College in Fresno has a strict dress code that Students are supposed to follow. Heald Spirit on Thursdays should be given back to the students as a reward for coming to school and having to get an expensive school loan to learn. Students should be allowed to wear a Heald T-shirt on Thursdays because students want to go to school comfortable at least once throughout their week, Friday and Saturday are days Heald is less busy, and It’s not other students fault who obey the dress code to be punished for other students faults.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Court Organization Essay

The paper focuses on the various court organizations and the corresponding function of every court organization as a whole as well as the various functions of its internal elements. Among the court organizations that the paper aims to analyze are appellate courts and trial courts. By looking into the corresponding jurisdiction of each court organization, the paper further completes the analysis by juxtaposing the jurisdiction of one against the other. With the idea of jurisdiction, the paper also elucidates on the types of cases that each court organization handles and the legal manners in which such cases are decided. Court Organization The system of courts that comprise the totality of the American federal courts are organized essentially by the U. S. Constitution and the laws legislated by the American federal government. Among these courts that function in the American judicial branch are trial courts and appellate courts. For the most part, federal trial courts are referred to as Federal District Courts which has the authority to hear appeals from lower bodies such as the administrative law judges. On the other hand, the intermediate appellate courts are referred to as the Federal Court of Appeals which functions under a mandatory review process that amounts to the task of hearing all appeals from the lower court bodies. The organization of these two judicial bodies, generally speaking, is more parallel in contrast to being different. In essence, the differences between the federal trial courts and the appellate courts can be observed from their respective internal organizational composition. While much of the similarities between the two courts can be obtained from their general task of deciding on legal cases, their distinctive features on how they are to specifically function substantiates their individual characteristics and separates their roles despite their apparent overlapping similarities as we shall see later. What is important to note at this point is to bear in mind that appellate courts and trial courts, specifically in a federal government, have separate functions amidst the parallel characteristics that one may observe from the two. The conception of these two distinct but seemingly parallel courts can be traced from the evolution of the judicial system of the United States. Much of the written historical basis for establishing a judicial system can be extracted from the Constitution of the United States of America. The history of the American judiciary includes the Judiciary Act of 1789 which created a Supreme Court composed of one chief justice as well as five associate justices. In essence, the Act established the judiciary arm of the American government which also defined the Supreme Court’s jurisdiction. Among these jurisdictions include, but is not limited to, the appellate jurisdiction over larger civil cases as well as cases wherein state courts ruled over federal statutes. The Act also provided the composition of the lower district courts, which amounted to thirteen back then, as well as the proposition that the Supreme Court can resolve conflicts between states and that the judgment of the Supreme Court is final (â€Å"The Judiciary Act of 1789,† 1999). From the Judiciary Act of 1789, District Courts were established which had judicial responsibility over their respective districts. As these district courts were divided into circuits, the jurisdictions of these courts were divided as well according to the circuits they belong. Federal District Courts Being the general courts of the court system of America, federal district courts are the courts where both criminal and civil cases are filed. This can also be taken from the fact that federal district courts were conceived as a court both of equity and of law. Each of these courts spread across the various judicial districts unique for every state are formally named after the district where the court has jurisdiction such as the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York for instance. United States district judges are judges of the district courts of the federal government where their total numbers for every district court are defined by Congress in connection with the Judicial Code. Under Article 3, federal district judges are appointed throughout their life in their position where they can be removed involuntarily from their position in factual instances where they breach the standard of ‘good behavior’. This involuntary removal from office can be obtained through an impeachment process initiated by the House of Representatives proceeded by a trial in the Senate. After a two-thirds vote to convict is established in the Senate, only then is the federal district judge removed from his or her office. Moreover, in order for an individual to file a case in the federal district court, the individual must be able to provide a substantial justification as to why a federal court instead of a state court should decide on the case. This in turn leads to the observation that not all cases can be admitted by the federal district courts under its adjudicatory powers. Since not all legal cases can be litigated in federal courts, it is an imperative for the individual to be able to make certain that the case being filed is a federal case if the individual is after a federal case against an individual for instance. State laws are oftentimes the basis for the claims for federal district courts as in most cases the claims under state laws were pleaded and that the sole and primary source for federal jurisdiction is the variety of citizenship. There are also instances wherein the plaintiff has pleaded claims under the state law even if the case is under a federal question. In such cases, the federal district courts must decide state law claims through the application of the substantial or relevant state law in which they preside even if federal court judges apparently employ federal law for the corresponding procedure. Ironically, the opinions set forth by the state courts supersede the opinions given by federal courts and that, further, a federal court must give way to a state supreme court in matters that involve the interpretation of state laws. In essence, a final court ruling by any district court in criminal or civil cases can be appealed towards the Court of Appeals of the United States with respect to the corresponding federal judicial circuit under which the district court is situated. One exception to this is that some rulings from federal district courts which involves patents and several other matters that are specialized must be appealed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Federal Circuit. In several rare occasions, the cases may be directly forwarded and appealed immediately to the Supreme Court of the United States. Federal Court of Appeals The Federal Courts of Appeals of America are considered as the mid-level appellate courts under the system of federal courts of America. It is the court that adjudicates the appeals for cases previously decided by the federal district courts of the United States which is under the corresponding federal judicial circuit. In essence, the total number of thirteen Courts of Appeals in the United States is positioned between the Supreme Court and the District Courts of the United States although there are cases where a case can be appealed directly to the Supreme Court. As every particular state in the United States has its own structure of appellate courts, it leads to the variations on how cases are to be handled. For instance, the Court of Appeals in the state of New York is considered as the highest court within the state inasmuch as it is the court of ultimate resort within the legal confines and jurisdiction of the state. One exception, however, are cases that pose questions concerning the federal law where they can be appealed from the respective court of appeals to the Supreme Court. What differentiates a federal district court from a federal court of appeals? The answer to this question rests on the legal presumption that the court of appeals can reevaluate and overturn any previous decision from federal district courts. This is essentially initiated by the instance when the accused who was previously given a ‘guilty’ verdict files an appeal to the federal court of appeals. This can be observed from what has been termed under the ‘due process of the law. ’ The term itself implies the administration of equal laws according to established rules, not violating the fundamental principles of private right, by a competent tribunal having jurisdiction of the case and proceeding upon notice and hearing. Nevertheless, one must not fail to recognize that certain lower court decisions can be overturned which then presents the idea that these lower court decisions are not yet final. For one, the decisions upheld by federal district court justices can be overturned by a higher court. However, the higher courts cannot instantaneously initiate a thorough reconsideration and cannot simply arrive at a decision—either the court will uphold the decision of the lower court or overturn the judgment—without a ‘formal’ appeal from the accused. For instance, the case of Pell v. E. I. DuPont de Nemours & Co. Inc. gives us a brief sketch on how accused parties can resort to a reconsideration of a previous district court decision. In the case, the district court of Delaware earlier denied the request of the plaintiff for restitution for unduly payments for pension that are deemed low. In consequence the plaintiff resorted to a motion for reconsideration for the district court which, in the end, the court denied for the reason that the plaintiff failed to discharge the high burden necessary to prevail on the motion filed by the plaintiff. In essence, the case and the plaintiff’s motion for reconsideration emphasize the ideas: that the district court can look into a motion for reconsideration from the plaintiff once filed and, conversely, that the district court can either deny or grant the motion. In contrast to the function of federal district courts to hold trial and determine the punishment for criminal cases or damages which will be awarded, the appellate courts of the federal government do not essentially hold trials as part of their innate legal function. On the other hand, these courts merely serve the legal function of reviewing the decisions of federal trial courts for the existence of any errors of law. This conversely relates the idea that these courts merely have appellate jurisdiction. Moreover, federal appellate courts do not accept anything else other than the records from the federal trial courts such as the papers that both legal parties have filed as well as the exhibits and transcripts relating to the trial. The federal appellate courts also consider the legal arguments of the involved parties in the case. With these ideas in hand, one can note the essential differences which separate one court from the other. More importantly, the scheme in which court hearings and legal cases flow signify that there is a formal system being strictly followed. That is, an individual cannot originally file a legal complaint against another individual or entity in the appellate courts for such an instance is not the definitive function of federal appellate courts. Moreover, a plaintiff can still resort to an appeal to the federal court of appeals once the verdict of the lower courts, or the federal district courts for instance, do not favor their side. All of this information leads us towards the larger understanding that there is indeed what we call a ‘court organization’ which gives a formal and rigid structure to the entire legal system especially in a federal government. The hierarchy in courts or the court organization in general limits certain legal actions while sustaining the due process of law. While the organization of courts gives certain limitations, it can be seen as a legal tool for securing the systematic approach for meticulously arriving at crucial decisions. Let us now look into the advantages and disadvantages that come along with the very nature and structure of the organization of courts, specifically between federal district courts and federal appellate courts, in a federal system of government. Advantages and disadvantages It is an established fact that appellate courts cannot simply address a legal appeal without the parties requesting for one. Moreover, appellate courts do not have the legal jurisdiction of hearing trials and providing punishments and damages to individuals and other entities. Conversely, these things suggest the ideas that there must first be an appeal and that, second, there must be previous court decisions on which the appellate courts will derive their corresponding decision. Hence, an appealing party has the advantage of going through a rigorous examination of their case which ensures that the decisions made until it reaches the Supreme Court are carefully brought into proper attention. On the other hand, the very organization of the court makes it a disadvantage for the appealing party at least in terms of resources. Specifically, financial resources must be present o as to sustain a continuous appeal for the appealing parties as the case ascends higher into the hierarchy of courts. Financial resources, for the most part, applies very well for the funding of legal battles which come in the form of payments for legal services rendered and other related expenses. In essence, appellate courts, being the courts between the trial courts and the Supreme Court, stand in the way for appellants to go directly to the Supreme Court for a final appeal. Nevertheless, these appellate courts were not essentially established to hinder individuals from going directly to the higher court but to see to it that lower court rulings are kept in accordance to the law while giving the Supreme Court a lesser task to attend to so that the Court can focus on larger issues that need large amounts of careful analysis. On the other hand, it appears that federal district courts can also legally entertain motions for reconsideration which barely amounts to an appeal to the appellate courts. Hence, plaintiffs, for instance, have the option to file a motion for reconsideration in federal district courts before filing an appeal to the appellate court once the motion for reconsideration is denied by the district court. One disadvantage to this scheme is that it takes a considerable length of time assuming that the plaintiff is willing to take all legal paths so as to attain the desired court decision. The value that must be noted here is that a seemingly justified and rightful decision comes as several expenses. These expenses, for the most part, come in the form of time and financial resources. These two elements are exhaustible which presents the idea that either an individual can spend a considerable fraction of his or her life fighting a legal case for the rightful decision or a certain court, the appellate court for instance, can hinder the individual’s attempt inasmuch as the court sees fit. On a deeper analysis, one can observe that if a certain federal district court grants the motion for reconsideration filed by a plaintiff, it translates into the acceptance that, at some point in time, the court has failed to see all the angles in the case and provide the necessary, justified, and rightful decision. For instance, a federal district court can decide to grant the motion for reconsideration filed. However doing so leaves us the assumption that the trial court accepts its failure to formally account and resolve the legal case. While the courts are essentially expected o arrive at firm decisions bounded within the confines of the law, these courts are not essentially assumed to commit to error either deliberately or unintentionally. In any case, federal district courts are at the helm or core of the case since these are the courts that primarily decide on verdicts and that the role of the higher courts, in essence, can be seen as something more of a reviewing body that realigns the decisions of the lower courts in accordance to the law. The need for court organization Is it possible to arrive at a substantial decision from among courts if they re not linked in one way or another? For instance, if the federal district courts and federal appellate courts function entirely separate without having a schematic purpose or correlation, would it lead to a substantial advantage to the people they serve? Interestingly, it can be seen that one of the primary reasons why court organization has been established is to give an ample room for reviewing and realigning previous court decisions in a lawful manner. Although federal trial courts are the primary courts where legal cases are filed and decided, it can be noted, however, that federal district courts are not the penultimate courts where no appeal can be filed. Quite on the contrary, the fact that these courts allow individuals to file a motion for reconsideration of court rulings brings us towards the perception that these courts may not be entirely devoid of committing to either partially or totally erroneous court decisions. Since federal courts, and perhaps any other courts, are still open to unintentionally committing errors in judgment, there must be at least a scheme that addresses such a situation. Otherwise, any court would hardly be able to correct its own misjudgments or the misjudgments of other lower courts. Given this observation, court organization—specifically the manners in which federal district courts are lower than appellate courts at least in terms of the scope of jurisdiction—can help resolve the underlying problems that may substantially arise over the course of time. How can court organization be able to help resolve the underlying problems in erroneous court rulings? The answer to this question rests on the premise that, by placing a certain hierarchy among courts and by limiting and specifying the jurisdiction for every court, certain decision can be reviewed and be realigned in accordance to the proper dictates of the law. By having a form of checking the decisions of the lower courts—for instance, the case between federal district courts and federal appellate courts—higher courts such as appellate courts can see or reiterate that the decision of the lower courts is fitting. On the other hand, appellate courts can also reverse the previous decision of the lower courts. What is important to note here is that the organization of courts, specifically the jurisdiction under which they operate, allows for a ‘refining’ of previous court decisions given the instances where there is an appeal from the concerned party. Although federal district courts can entertain motions for reconsideration from the concerned party, it does not necessarily translate to the idea that the party can resort to an infinite number of motions for reconsideration until the court has decided favorably to the side of the party. The very idea of court organization gives due importance of an appeal from individuals. This it does by allowing the individual to file for a motion or an appeal yet in a planned scheme. By ‘planned scheme’, what is being contended is that, from the lower courts to the Supreme Court, the right of the party to file for an appeal or a motion is met by dispersing the jurisdiction of courts to hear the appeal or motion sequentially. That is, the party must follow the sequences or procedures established by the law when appealing. For the most part and in most cases, an ordinary individual cannot go directly straight to the Supreme Court to file for an appeal without having first to pass through the lower appellate courts. Like in most organizational scheme, a hierarchy of the divisions of the organization permits a systematic approach in handling the tasks innate to the function of the organization. Since the court system of a federal government is an essential and significant portion of the government’s functioning, it is an imperative that the court system must be given due attention. One way to achieve this end is to provide a scheme in which the entire court system will be able to effectively handle its multifarious tasks from the bottom level to the larger degree. This ‘scheme’ is parallel to a court organization whereby there is a level of court divisions handling specific functions. As we have seen, federal district courts are the courts which receive the cases filed by individuals. On the other hand, federal appellate courts are the courts which receive appeals from individuals seeking a decision that legally favors them. Conclusion The system of courts that comprise the totality of the American federal courts are organized essentially by the U. S. Constitution and the laws legislated by the American federal government. Federal District Courts and Appellate Courts are two of the courts in the federal government that serve the identical functions of bringing justified and lawful decisions to legal cases. On the other hand, these two court systems also have varying functions. In essence, the differences they have rest on their respective jurisdictions. References Courts. Appellate Jurisdiction of Supreme Court. Suit against United States. (1919). The Yale Law Journal, 28(5), 513. Appellate Practice: Power to Amend Judgments. (1927). 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Statewide Public Defender Organizations: An Appealing Alternative. Stanford Law Review, 29(1), 157. Outline Introduction The paper will initially provide the substantial facts and accounts to court organizations as a whole, including a brief sketch of its history and evolution as well as its current state. The introductory part will conclude with a brief overview of the trial courts and appellate courts. Body The paper will further substantiate on the essential attributes for the trial courts and appellate courts correspondingly which will then be used as a basis for the varying approaches trial and appellate courts handle and decide cases as well as the jurisdictions of every court organization. By introducing these various factors, the paper will then attempt to establish an account of the jurisdiction, including the possibility of overlap in jurisdiction as well as restrictions thereof, for every court organization. The body of the paper will conclude with a paragraph restating the differences and similarities between the two court organizations. Conclusion In conclusion, the paper shall provide a brief rerun of what has previously been discussed to be followed by an account of each court’s jurisdiction as well as the unique roles of every internal element of trial and appellate courts.