Friday, May 22, 2020

Essay on COllapse by Jared Diamond - 1070 Words

Although Greenland and Australia are thousands of miles apart and very different in geography, they also have many similarities. In his book â€Å"Collapse†, Jared Diamond shows that both countries have the five factors that can contribute to a society’s collapse. Greenland’s Norse society already collapsed a long time ago, while Australia is still a First World country going strong. If some things there don’t change, the country’s living standard will go down and there could be major problems. The first factor in Diamond’s five-point framework is environmental damage. In Greenland, the Norse destroyed the natural vegetation, caused soil erosion and cut turn (Diamond, 248). They burned or cut down trees to clear land for farming and†¦show more content†¦Rainfall is low and unpredictable in Australia. In summary, the environmental problems there are similar to Greenland under the Norse, including deforestation, overgrazing and soil erosion, but also salinization, introduced species, water shortage and man-made droughts (Diamond, 379). When the Norse arrived in Greenland, the climate was relatively mild (Diamond, 266). Even then, conditions were not good for living the same lifestyle as in Norway. It was colder there with longer winters and the soil was worse. Then, in the 1400s, the Little Ice Age happened, and there was even less hay to feed the cattle. So, the Norse were faced with a second factor in the five-point framework: climate change. In Australia, there was no ice age, but the climate changed too. The first settlers arrived during a number of wet years and thought that was normal. They started raising sheep and cattle expecting rain every year. However, the author states that enough rain falls only in about half of all years in most areas, and in some only during 2 in 10 years (Diamond, 384). Moving on to the third factor, the author explains that the Norse were definitely faced with hostile neighbors in Greenland. He states that â€Å"Inuit attacks and threats may have played a direct role in the Vikings’ extinction† (Diamond, 255). The Norse had a bad attitude towards the Inuit, and probably attacked and killed the first ones they say. The Inuit hadShow MoreRelatedCollapse, By Jared Diamond1697 Words   |  7 Pages In his book Collapse, Jared Diamond gives you an in depth look at societies you may or may not be familiar with and shows you the secrets to their success or failure using his personal 5-point framework. I enjoyed this book and thought he made a lot of good points and had convincing evidence to back it up. 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